Theme and Topics

The School covers the following topics:

Solid state and soft matter NMR

NMR di​ffusometry and relaxometry

Application of NMR in biology and medicine

Application of NMR material and environmental sciences

Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy

NMR and quantum information

Theoretical and experimental aspects of dynamic nuclear spin polarization

Advanced NMR techniques

School Scheme

The School is addressed to young scientists and graduate students and aims at acquainting them with theoretical and experimental aspects of various NMR methods applied in nanoscience, materials science and soft materials.

The programme of the School comprise:

1) Plenary lectures given by world-renowned specialists from the area of nuclear magnetic resonance

2) Young Researchers Forum - short communications of the Young Scientists
3) Poster session for Young Scientists (Students, Ph. D. Students, Post-Docs), where they can present their own results in the topics presented above
4) Workshops/ tutorials about basic and advanced NMR techniques